5:45 -Check in begins.
6:00-6:45 -Silent auction
6:40 -Mrs. Donatelli reminds everyone that the silent auction will close in 5 minutes.
7:00: -Fr. Lee invites us to pray and dinner begins.
7:30: -Dan Misleh- Keynote speaker from Catholic Climate Covenant.
7:45: -Recognition of Volunteer of the year, Community Leader, and Teacher of the year.
8:00: -Mrs. Donatelli welcomes Ms. Sella and Mrs. Balog to come and address the community with our new logo and 3 new pillars.
8:15: -Live auction begins with Golf, baseball, and soccer packages.
8:30: -Mrs. Donatelli speaks about St. Jude Thaddeus Foundation, presents the school video and starts raise the paddle.
9:00: -Dancing begins
10:00: -Mrs. Donatelli delivers the closing remarks.